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7 tricks in adjusting your dog’s behavior to being potty trained!

Have you ever just chill, relax, but suddenly smell a weird odor, causing you to block your nostrils from your dog not defecating in the right place? Whether it's the floor, in the corner of the room, the rug, the legs of the table, the curtains, the bed, or our favorite set of sofas. Anyone who encounters this problem will definitely have a headache because in addition to the damage that has occurred, it’s followed by the issue of cleaning, which is quite difficult. Plus, the unpleasant smell as well. Many people may wonder, why is their dog not defecating in the right place? How do we fix this problem? This article has compiled solutions for you.

Why is my dog unable to defecate in the right place?

Reasons that your dogs are not defecating in the right places may be caused by different factors such as:

●  The dog may be too young or too old. It may be difficult for them to adjust at first.

●  Not yet familiar with the place provided for excretion.

●  Caused by underlying health problems.

  Not eating and excreting on time.

●  Have stress or anxiety.

●  Other factors involved, which may differ for each dog or breed.


7 tricks to adjust their behavior and training dogs to excrete in the right places

1. Allow them to get used to the time and place for excretion

Dogs should be trained to excrete at intervals. When it's time, take the dog to the excretion spot immediately. This will help your dog adjust to the behavior of excretion naturally.


2. Use the same command words repeatedly or often

When it's time to excrete, try using the same words or phrases with them. This will allow the dog to be familiar and adapt to a behavior, such as ‘come poop’, ‘come pee’, ‘go to the toilet’, ‘pee here’, etc.


3. Schedule a meal time

To prevent your dog from eating and excreting all day; if your dog can’t finish their meal in time, collect or empty their food within half an hour. Don't leave it out.


4. Use the same smell or marks to practice their excretion

The same smell or marks that your dog excrete can be used to train them to excrete in the right spot.


5. Immediately give an order if the dog excretes outside the designated spot

Give commands like ‘No’, which are specific words that deny the dog to excrete outside the spot, with a serious tone and demeanor.


6. Do not punish or scold angrily

In training, you should gradually train them, don’t use emotions, don’t punish them with violence, and don't scold the dog angrily.


7. Take him to see a veterinarian or specialist

Try consulting a veterinarian or a specialist to find the right way in training your dog.


Studying and understanding your dog’s behavior, habits, and their breed will help us understand them more. Potty training is another matter that we need to focus on because the habit of excretion helps them to have a good excretory behavior and owners, like us, are allowed to feel relieved, we can breathe through our lungs freely because the house is clean, there is no unpleasant smell from excretion. When the dog obeys orders or begins to behave in a better way, we should complement and give them treats or other rewards that your dog favors. This will help the dog learn and understand what we want to communicate faster.




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